Stallion Record

Wimpys Little Step

3863115; 1999; Palomino; (Nu Chex To Cash x Leolita Step);

Stallion Show Record
Quarter Horse Congress, '02 Congress O RN Futurity Champion

Stallion Specialties: Reining

Breeder Info: Reference Stallion;

Jacks Are Lucky 2

Accuracy Disclaimer Records are AQHA, NCHA, NRHA or Equi-stat unless otherwise indicated. All information published herein was gathered from sources which are thought to be reliable and is the result of careful analysis and research, but the reader should not assume that the information is official, final, or error free.

The information is updated approximately once per year, and may not reflect the current status of the stallion. For absolute accuracy, independent verification must be obtained from the current owner or his predecessor in title to the subject horse or ranch.

AQHA Records and Pedigree information provided by American Quarter Horse Association from its Official Records. All rights reserved.

The publisher does not assume responsibilities for errors, and all data is subject to change without notice. The publisher further makes no guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied with respect to the data in this directory.

© Whitney World Enterprises, 1997-2002.